Antigen vs Viruses

Fucking sex freaks continue to fool themselves about a damn Safeway. When it ain’t no kind of way, cuz I am not attracted to free-for-all freak racists. Dude you have sex based on a signal without talking. Eating each other’s shit. I can’t do that. Even someone who I am attracted to- if I found that they did it like that-I can’t see them no more. I can’t even talk to them no more. I am too disgusted with what you are. On just a signal with hepatitis c hanging off your mouth. Blindness around the corner. Unhealthiness. Don’t you know after one wrong raw taste with HIV you could go blind in less than a year if the shit is strong enough. Potent enough with hepatitis? That’s in addition to hampered immune system. A man with hepatitis shits in your mouth and that’s like passing the another disease on to you. And guess what you die from? Not hiv but hepatitis. Guess what blinds you? Not HIV but hepatitis. Guess what you ail from?

Not HIV but the disease the H9NKY gave you. Guess what changes your skin tone the hepatitis a or c. Not HIV. While you may have been born with an antigen in your blood picked up as abnormal by microscopic review, that antigen is not HIV but only a trace from a great great grandfather who may have had it.

It’s a speck in the blood that distinguishes individuals- called individuality. There is no way someone can have HIV from his great great grandfather unless he HAD sex with his great great grandfather. Blood pass along in it antigens like blood cells.

And that is what make your blood different from mine or hers those antigen which are also called antibodies. But what gives you the HIV is sex with people who have it from SEX promiscuity. Like first generation anything else. They had the disease not you. You have an antibody or antigen as a trace passed on through oasis or meiosis cell division processes that determines dna and pass along genealogy. To be fooled into sex with freaks is negligent to me.

Knowing the freaks have high level aids forming HIV live cells. When you may only have a trace of a single antigen. How you think all these people live forever free of any illnesses without intervention as normal lives. That is because they are normal as individuals.

The further down the genealogy line of the HIV initiation into the blood stream the less it shows in the child. A child of a first generation would have more antibodies of the actual hiv.

A child of a fifth generation first detection would have almost zero antibodies. But like lemonade being diluted. First time diluted more lemon pulp. Fifth time no pulp and water may even be clear only with a speck noticeable only by microscopic.

Let’s say now that person whose body has been cleared of any antibodies is told to have sex with a dirty freak who sucked in bookstores and have traces of hiv and wad plus seman and feces hepatitis in his blood.

Guess what dear men – sucking him gives HIV and all that shit to YOU as if you were the first one in your genealogy to have had it. It increases your chance of dying with AIDS. The freaks get this from SEX promiscuity and have it first generation living with AIDS. Then you have again people who don’t have HIV but a speck of antibodies or antigen in the blood. That is only indicative that someone in your genealogy line had the virus.

Have sex with a dog and make a baby that’s half dog and half human. In five generations the dog would have turned back into a human unless someone else had sex with a dog.

To tell someone “hey you have a trace of dog blood in yours- now you have sex with dogs not humans.” Well sorry that is telling you to regenerate the dog cells that has disappeared in your blood stream.

Sexing someone with worms gives you worms at least in your mouth if you’re swallowing. Those worms could make an already altered immune system deteriorate from the worms. Not from the antibodies. My great great great grandfather may have had something. And that is why you see nothing in me or in my mom. Because it was all scheme.

A person placed on meds having nothing-it the meds that makes them sicker. The meds in that case weakens the immune system. Let me do this one more time for you. If you inherited an antibodies or antigen in your blood that is indicative that someone before you had it. Not that you have it.

Repetitive, I know – The further down the genealogy line the first trace was found, the fewer antibodies can be seen in your system. Transmission occurs in first and maybe the second generation HIV not down the line.

We have found that any trace of an antibodies from the past have seen targeted people being labeled as having HIV. And we are questioning that fact. Someone with antibodies of the virus does NOT have the virus in their bloodstream.

Because one may be targeted and wanted to be controlled- then it would behoove those who wants the control to distinguish between the fact. Let’s say this – if they want to get rid of you – they tell you the antibodies and antigen are the virus. If they want to keep you, you live normal.

When they want to get rid of you – they try to place you on the meds to take you out. Illiteracy of things you don’t know that hurts you as they create the “colors of facts” that may be placing your life in jeporady.

Telling you to suck a person with HIV when you have only an indicator of someone before you as having it is giving you HIV all over the antigen. Therefore having seen an antigen in your bloodline was a way for controlling YOU! Fixing the shit.

If you are beautiful and they are jealous- they force you on HIV meds for an antigen to destroy your beauty that overshadowed them. And that is the case with beautiful queens that lived free of any illness into their 90’s.

The food eaten detected and documented were the sources of the things they called symptoms. Notice stop eating foods as I wondered why mom would not eat OUT often, and as I did, and body functions norms. Food poisoning done deliberately gives you diarrhea and stomach cramps which they give you food poisoning then wait and get pictures of the abnormal bowel.

Then use that which they poisoned you to get in order to label you as HIV positive. Let me tell you what I caught. I caught the regional medical center swapping my bloodwork in Memphis and here in dc with a dark skin transvestism person.

Findings showed my blood work had less than 10 anti body or antigens – the bloodwork that was swapped had over a million replicas of active viral load growing at a pace daily which would have seen him dead in less than 3 months. If I had not caught that- his bloodwork would have been mine.

Guess how I caught it – needle exchanged for a used one which would have also transferred whatever was in the blood to me. Sniped it immediately something that the nurse frown upon. Right- I understand why. But why you using the same needle I just saw you use. And the packages were individually wrap.

Get a NEW needle and let me get the label off the one you just called mine. Guess what else- one tube had my name on a full blood draw before I even allowed her to stick me with any needle. Hold up HOE. Is that my name on that tube and why?

Cancel this shit bitch!

The transvestism person in Memphis documented in the ACLU report- was street stressed and drugged out as she entered the medical center.

Checked both tubes and mine show undetecting of below 20 count which could not find anything. The tube that would have been mine was penetrated with deadly high viral load.

Guess what else- found that my blood draws was not being logged and may have been given to someone who was dying. That too was documented. Here in dc.

Ceased your shit. Before you invite somebody into crimes. And on closing the virus when transfers through meiosis or mitochondrial mitosis is not considered a virus it’s an antigen or an antibody.

Published by Author, Writer, journalist, Terry Ashford

Exciting World of author, journalist, writer, publisher. Intriguing, Candid Snapshots and Views of life. Fresh & Unorthodox; Real & Authentic; Spoken truths with eloquence of Spirit, Soul, Love & Aspiration. Hope and Goodness That Prevails! Terry Dwayne Ashford, studied Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis, TN and Journalism at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. His work can be found published in the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper, The Southern Voice Newspaper, The Signal at Georgia State University, The Washington AFRO American Newspaper, The Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper, The Prince George’s Gazette, and Black Engineering and Technology Magazine.

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