TaTMedia’s Company History

Terry Dwayne Ashford

T.A.T. Communications Inc – Company History

Company History

T & A communications, which became T.A.T. Communications Consulting, started as a communications company with a primary focus on newsletters content writing and editing. In its inception year 2007, the company acquired just two small non-lucrative projects in its first year.

T.A.T. Communications Today, Incorporation (T.A.T.) is the overarching umbrella of WATL Broadcast Network, comprises of DaTGuY Radio, DaTGuY Television, and BlabberNEWS Magazine, a “Talk” brand of lucrative media solutions and is the hosting company of three TalkShows. Starting as T&A Communications, the current day conglomerate has several divisions gearing at different audiences as our CEO optimizes on the innovative of technology in a new age of communications.

(T.A.T.) is the corporate home of InDaCarSeat with DaTGuY TalkShow, The Terry Dwayne Ashford TalkShow and the “Morning Talk” with Terry Ashford. It is also parent organization of BlabberNEWS Magazine, the LaughLoud comedy hour and the “Morning Talk” hosting the “Hour of Power with Terry Dwayne Ashford”.

T.A.T. Communication’s “Talk” Brand of products and services includes TalkVIEW, talkNovel, TalkNOW StreetNOW Reporting, TalkLIVE and the Daily DaTGuY Broadcasting. TalkNovel has sole proprietorship rights of the trilogy novel set and the “Infamous Thaddeus Trott” and “Mama Rowe” characters. Three novels comprise the trilogy and are entitled “Can’t Stop My Hustle”; “Lay My Burden Down” and “Disguised in the City of Bedlam”. Our CEO, Terry Dwayne Ashford, is the authoring writer of each of the 300 + page novels which are up and coming masterpieces, guaranteed to stand the test of time.

But as if that isn’t enough, Terry Dwayne Ashford is also the renown displaced journalist, who was forced to sleep in his car for over four years at the cease of his mother, Wilma Greenwood Ashford. Therefore, Terry Dwayne Ashford is also the “InDaCarSeat with DaTGuY” broadcasting daily news shows heard by audiences all around the world.

The “InDaCarSeat with DaTGuY” TalkShow was produced while the CEO was displaced and homeless residing in his vehicle only with one dependable trusted confidant and friend. Terry Dwayne Ashford is “DaTGuY” InDaCarSeat produced, scripted, and delivered multi-personalities of all the InDaCarSeat characters. And there InDaCarSeat, there was a total of 119 shows produced and aired from the car seat of Terry Dwayne Ashford’s car over DaTGuY Radio and DaTGuY TV via W A T L TalkBroadcast Network. That is as of today.

Looking back into the makings of the legendary torn car seat that became a temporary peaceful home for a corporate giant; or looking back at the saving grace of flat-less tubes in the flat tire he lived on top of for over two weeks in lieu of the denial of service by all of the African American tire shops in the entire area that sold used tires cheap enough to have repaired the issue within the now-CEO’s budget; let’s look at the growth of T.A.T. Communications.

Two years into the business, after the two small non-lucrative projects T.A.T. Communications branched into the magazine industry leveraging on the CEO’s journalism background. In 2009, The “BEAT Reporter” resulted using Terry Dwayne Ashford establishment as a beat reporter at the Washington AFRO American Newspaper, the gazette newspaper and the Fairfax County Journal, which is the Washington Post Express today. Prior Mr. Ashford had also worked at the Southern Voice, The ADL (Atlanta Daily World) and the Signal in Atlanta Georgia.

As director of the BEAT Reporter, executive decisions were made to limit the digital magazine’s coverage to just the police beat so to rely on the reporter’s inside links within the Washington DC MPD and other area law enforcement. Terry Dwayne Ashford’s Industry background saw his role as National General Assignment Reporter generate news from national and international scenes.

The Beat Reporter limited community coverage to the police beats in Washington DC was then expanding into PG county and other surroundings. And then in 2011, the then-full time Senior Writer at Dell Computers and business owner got word of parental needs in his home state, which sent him through omniscience to drive over 900 miles to his southern home only to find his mother wounded in such capacities while no one had informed him. That led TAT Communications In into a new service area – investigations. The investigations of his mother leveraged on journalistic prowess of investigative reporter Ida B. Tarbell of the muckrakers.

In Memphis TN, Mr. Ashford wrote non-lucrative small articles for the Tri-State press. But could not find traction into the reporter segment in that part of the world. Findings were that a communication business in that area for a guy like Terry Dwayne Ashford would be difficult and non-prosperous. Partnerships were sought with the Tate County Democrat and the Commercial Appeal, but they too proved to have not been fruitful.

T.A.T. Communications expanded its services into investigations upon abuse violations found when he entered the state in seeking to assist his parent. Full blown investigation procedures were devoted in identifying nursing policies, medication management, pharmaceutical systems and overall nursing and nutritional oversight of patient care. During this investigation Terry Dwayne Ashford became a patient care specialist monitoring patient care on intensive care floors of the Regional Medical Center of Memphis.

There, our CEO DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford received certification in medical terminology, in nursing care coding including the ICD coding system, CPT medical coding of healthcare testing arrangements with other departments including radiology, blood labs and other medical related tests. And monitored critical care units, triaged and the intensity care returning to general care units in according to the federal HIPHA policies.

From there Terry Dwayne Ashford used his coding experience to become a healthcare insurance writer for blue cross blue shield through luminous healthcare. At the health BCBS insurance company the CEO monitored patient care through the insurance coding systems verifications and validation side and responded to communications from medical offices, from patient care in escalated state and to legal offices in settling legal healthcare claims pertaining to healthcare fraud.

Our CEO’s greatest experience in healthcare comes from his DHHS Office of Population Affairs political role as special assistant to Dr. Alma Golden and Nurse Practitioner Susan Moskosky. Within the Dept of Health and Human Services Office of Population Affairs(OPA), specifically its Funding of title x family planning; title XiV adolescence sexual health programs in support of the president’s abstinence initiatives across the nation under the bush administration, Terry Dwayne Ashford was sent to report from Capitol Hill. In part responsible for OPA’s healthcare legislation reporting, being sent to report on Capitol Hill coupled and expanded his general assignment reporting tenure at the newspaper. Our CEO of DaTGuY Radio was tasked with returning reports back to the OPA management on the state of America’s healthcare.

T.A.T. ‘s investigatory procedures included a combination of these skills and investigative journalistic techniques of Ida Tarbell in analyzing his own mother’s care. From the intravenous I.V. Fluids to hospital labs ordered through physicians, down to medications prescribed and on to prescription management then to the nurse care management systems, T.A.T. Communications delivered a consistent well-rounded investigations into healthcare management.

One achievement was catching three wrongly prescribed medications to the patient, one prescription having the strength of street-Crack which would have destroyed the patient’s faculties at the first taken dosage. T.A.T. caught physical error and immediately ceased nurse care management of that prescription and led the follow-up investigatory physician meetings. The physician has since lost his physician license to practice medicine. T.A.T. Is proud of this accomplishment which accounts for saving the person’s life.

Terry Dwayne Ashford’s InDaCarSeat investigations took journalism Ida Tarbell investigation tactics and expanded the services offered by T.A.T. Other investigations includes those policies of healthcare, crime issues, domestic issues, sexual compliance issues, service issues, inside threats, negligence to crime issues and abuse issues; to name a few.

DaTGuY InDaCarSeat’s meal of choice during his InDaCarSeat displacement was tuna creations a packed bag of starkist tuna that wouldn’t spoil to cause stomach food poisoning but helped him make it through the event. A pack of tuna fish served as nutrition for one whole day.

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