The Aggressors Have Unfolded Right Before Your Eyes- Geneva when Constitutions FAIL to Protect Innocent People Targeted by Crimes!

By Terry Dwayne Ashford

Here the broadcast Here by Terry Dwayne Ashford.

Abuse of Nice Manners click Here and let’s get that money legitimately that they were trying to steal. As Terry Dwayne Ashford has shown you who has the GAME!

The aggression is from WHITE for REVENGE to beat MY Mother! Failed again!

The final FINDINGS is that aggression is WHITE MEN, the white truck that came and killed and the father who sided with the white men which gave Terry Dwayne Ashford crossover growing up from behind the scene.

The second findings the black men is the GREED following the plan of killings by whiter men.

The third and most important findings is the plan is one in the same. All groups were invested in the plan to deliver the exact same results but (for different) motives and purposes.


You have seen the illustrations. You have seen the aggression, who they are, what they do and did, you have seen the uses of sizes over smaller people. And you tell me now that whether it was true or not – it was any less than outright immoral to have attacked a woman “small woman” like this. Or a small male. To have played a husband against the wife like this having armed the husband with staff against the woman. Having armed the husband against his wife with armory of the son of sam gang. Guess what? Due to the size the men had tried to send signals of stomping in a collaboration. Remember the leader president if Libya trampled by his own people. That was the attempt to pose an image or to attempt to carry out using larger men. I was supposed to have been intimidated. Was i? We have all the blubbering and size under raps! The kicking in of a stall door ? We ready. And when you thought you were ready – they use surveillance to watch to see what you have in store for them. And they attack when they thought you weren’t. The big white dog was supposed to rush and we also intercepted a plan a long time ago. The dog big off the leash was supposed to have attacked at takoma. We were there a long long time ago. Already identified and waiting on the RiGHT “Wrong” dog. In that case the one who would be the biggest impact in the killings of the target from Starbucks would be the one the target appears to have liked. And that is Sean. Guess who was WAITING for that? You got IT! DaTGuY! To ensure the plot to kill is carried out- the next attempt would be SEAN someone who their target appears to favor. And that person is then attacked and approached with sexual favors from them to exchange. And third party through that person who the target appears to have favor, the sad nasty men would enter the target’s life and KILL the targeted one through bribery and rewards. That person would be SEAN. Sean would pretend to like me and would even enter agreements with me so to let them IN. And in the end NICE little SEAN would defy me the target and even kill me. Ready for this one – Dave let in as a target killer for them against my mother using the blackest little girl. Dave was placed in my mother’s house as they stalked my mom, and the little girl was the sex trade that either would kill or helped to kill my mother. The morning at 430 leaving was the planning. And we are THERE. Dave have lingered around mom for the sake of stalking for the culprits who wanted to kill mom. To reward him- they gave the little girl, her blackest granddaughter, for reward. And guess what the reward was to the granddaughter. Well let’s say I know what this little girl said. Dave was the stalker and her granddaughter the girl was was PUT OUT for striking the lady, was Dave’s reward to KILL his wife my mother. The sex trade we have alleged in the blackest girl using my mother’s robes and night gowns to signify was the reward to DAVE. Blood tests for the first child of that girl, as the intent was to develop a ME from another woman – this time her own GRANDDAUGHTER behind the targeted one black. Back the shit UP and see you in jail. Dave worked by sitting in moms house defying my mom just as I saw him trying, with the same whiter truck gangs that arrived on the day as ambulances where she was gone from that point forward. The white trucks placed DAVE in my mother’s house to stalk her. And that is what I saw growing up and was my reasoning for NEVER talking to DAVE as a child-not knowing why he was treating us like that. Dave worked with the whiter side and son of Sammy (Sammy himself) worked for the black side who provided the reward of the blackest little girl. Ready for this one- the blackest little girl that was giving DAVE was not only my mother’s granddaughter – guess what YALL? The blackest little girl left to kill my mother was also the granddaughter of SAMMY, whom mom divorced! The girl who was PUT OUT of my mom’s house was also the granddaughter of the man who wanted to KILL my mother. Through the GANG had kept secret communications with the man who had done nothing for her all her life. And that man older Sammy through the “son of Sammy” gang – rewarded Dave, my father and Wilma’s current husband, with HIS GRANDDAUGHTER, who just happened to also have been his wife’s granddaughter- that lived with HIM through my mother. That girl allegedly was left to KILL my mother on July 12 upon the sabotage of the journalist’s vehicle. They framed the killing of my mother by sabotaging my vehicle giving the alibi for both men to leave SAMMY’s granddaughter there with my mother the day she was allegedly killed. The granddaughter is the exact same REWARD from the older Sammy that may have birthed a KID with my father using the infamous night blue and white gowns. The trucks that came who may have killed my mother in a conspiracy with my father and the blackest was white. Not whiter but WHITE. And it was the WHITE who my father had aligned. Questions ask my father about “Cotton”. Who is cotton daddy? Gotcha you failed to kill your son that day. And he remembers even though he SMILED through it! The father attempt to Kill the journalist my dear would be the topic of the book if any! We play GAMES!

When you thought is was done it’s not. The white gang defy through rewards and bribery; that pushes the THEN-targets away from their most desired loves and passions; then the whites attempt to reward that exact target the opposite direction by giving in a reward or bribery that which they had denied. Dave was denied BLACKS which pushed him to whites. To reward Dave for Killing MOM- they would give him what they had initially denied him. A blackest and that was done through Sammy and the “son of Sammy” against his wife and the son’s mother. They gave Dave what had defied him – blackest. The same as THEY tried to Terry Dwayne Ashford – her son. They defied the journalist’s role from the time of finishing school until NOW 20 years later when I had chosen another career. Now they supposedly want to WIRE the denied role to Terry Dwayne Ashford. Same thing. Denied what the whites thought was a beloved treasure to push him away and tried to give it back as a bribe to have him carry out dirt for them. Until NOW. Sniped and squashed. Homework- He got “A” straight “A’s in HISTORY too. They tried to reward the black man in this case the journalist with a role they had initially denied which pushed the target away from his dream. Then offered the dream role in the attack. Denied journalism career went into proposal mgmt then they offered and even lied and said they were WIRING the role I had qualified over 15 years ago. They reward or bribe with a denied but beloved property that was stolen by which the theft may have caused grave emotional harm. They denied my father black love and denied ME black love – and in turn gave black love (BACK) in forcing him against his wife, who was my mother. Then tried the same thing on me. Tried to give me BLACK men first but failed then swapped strategy to a LIE of a WIRED Role in journalism. Like it yet? No secret encompasses taking MY LIFE or my mother. Geneva when the constitution fail us all.

We play GAMES!

It doesn’t matter what color I am wearing, I Am Terry Dwayne Ashford!

Published by Author, Writer, journalist, Terry Ashford

Exciting World of author, journalist, writer, publisher. Intriguing, Candid Snapshots and Views of life. Fresh & Unorthodox; Real & Authentic; Spoken truths with eloquence of Spirit, Soul, Love & Aspiration. Hope and Goodness That Prevails! Terry Dwayne Ashford, studied Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis, TN and Journalism at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. His work can be found published in the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper, The Southern Voice Newspaper, The Signal at Georgia State University, The Washington AFRO American Newspaper, The Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper, The Prince George’s Gazette, and Black Engineering and Technology Magazine.

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