THAT is the THREAT to my selected PARTNER! They ALL attack HIM too.

By Terry Dwayne Ashford

The same as the gangs did to my mother. To SPITE my mother while the journalist was away in training, the male gangs that thought they wanted Terry DaTGuY Dwayne Ashford, ATTACKED my father by setting him up with the underaged girl. They then threatened my father and gave him immunity if he left my mother stranded. Guess who the underaged girl was? HER granddaughter living in the house with them through the previous marriage to Sammy.

By threatening my father with jail for that frame statutory rape – the whites and the son of Sammy blacks pulled my father away from my mother and had him HELP them assassinate his innocent wife. The whites did that and told my father Either he KILL her or he was to be jailed. And then came DATGUY damned NICE GUY and GOT Terry Dwayne Ashford. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh InDaCarSeat I am so nice. And the events you have seen was to force Terry Dwayne Ashford with THEM.

The THREAT to my partner is the exact same. And I haven’t even announced his name. And that is why I haven’t!

Published by Author, Writer, journalist, Terry Ashford

Exciting World of author, journalist, writer, publisher. Intriguing, Candid Snapshots and Views of life. Fresh & Unorthodox; Real & Authentic; Spoken truths with eloquence of Spirit, Soul, Love & Aspiration. Hope and Goodness That Prevails! Terry Dwayne Ashford, studied Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis, TN and Journalism at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. His work can be found published in the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper, The Southern Voice Newspaper, The Signal at Georgia State University, The Washington AFRO American Newspaper, The Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper, The Prince George’s Gazette, and Black Engineering and Technology Magazine.

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